NameEbenezer Avery Jr.
Birth Date29 Mar 1721
Birth PlaceGroton, New London, CT
Death Date11 Jul 1810
Birth Dateabt 1720
Death Date27 Oct 1757
Death PlaceGroton, CT
ResidencesResidence: Stonington, CT
Marr Date3 May 1744
Marr PlaceGroton, CT
ChildrenLucy (Died as Child) (1745-1747)
Birth Date19 Feb 1727
Birth PlacePreston, CT
Death Date1810
ResidencesResidence Stonington, CT
Marr Date9 Nov 1758
Marr PlaceStonington, Preston, CT
Notes for Eunice (Spouse 2)
Her parents are listed in "The Groton Avery Clan," and are:
Eleazur ('Eleazer' on gravestone) PARKE and Eliphel BUTTON. They are both
buried at the Avery Cemetery at Preston. He is almost certainly a descendant
of Robert PARKE who settled at Mystic and had many descendants in the area. He
died Nov 14 1769, age 80. She died Nov 3 1781, age 87.