NameCapt Jerathmeel Bowers Sr. 
Birth Date2 May 1650
Birth PlaceCambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Death Date23 Apr 1724
Death PlaceGroton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Birth Date2 May 1650
Birth PlaceCambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts
MemoSavage and headstone death dates differ by 5 yrs.
ResidencesLowell, MA
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS
Birth Date1645
Birth PlaceChelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Death Date4 Mar 1721
Death PlaceGroton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
Marr Date1674
Marr PlaceUnited States
Birth Date1645/48
Birth PlaceCharlestown, Middlesex, MA
Death Date4 MAR 1720/1721
Death PlaceChelmsford, Middlesex, MA
Notes for Capt Jerathmeel Bowers Sr.
Recently, the Lowell, Quincy, and Salem Historical Commissions received funding through the Survey and Planning Grant program to prepare, in part, the following National Register nominations: In LOWELL, the JERATHMELL BOWERS HOUSE, built ca. 1673, is the oldest known domestic building in the city. The house is a well preserved example of a modest 17th-century farmhouse that has undergone only minimal expansion and alterations over a period of more than 300 years.
birth abt 1719 per Epitaphs from Old Burying Ground in Groton, Middlesex, MA
To Do notes for Capt Jerathmeel Bowers Sr.
Re: Johnathan Bowers, town clerk,Somerset,MA
Posted by: M. Natale Date: March 30, 2001 at 08:00:20
In Reply to: Re: Johnathan Bowers, town clerk,Somerset,MA by Becky Heginbotham of 2279
Jerathmeel Bowers (May 2,1650 -April 23, 1724 in Groton, MA) was the son of George Bowers and his second wife Elizabeth Worthington. He married Elizabeth Wilder (b. 1648 in Charlestown, MA and died on March 4, 1720 in Chelmsford, MA
Hannah b. abt 1671
Elizabeth b. abt 1672
Jonathan (1674-1745)
Mary b. abt 1680
Samuel b.abt 1682
John (abt1684-1718)
Jarathmeel b. 1684
Jonathan Bowers born in Chelmsford 1674 died in Billerica 1744/5. He married 1.Hannah Barrett and 2. Sarah Leaned
Hope this is helpful.
* Re: Johnathan Bowers, town clerk,Somerset,MA Becky Heginbotham 4/03/01
* Re: Johnathan Bowers, town clerk,Somerset,MA M. Natale 4/03/01
Jerathmeel b 1649, son of George?
Posted by: Natasha Date: July 09, 1999 at 14:37:47
of 2279
Can anyone confirm that Captain Jerathmeel Bowers was the son of George Bowers, and that his mother was Elizabeth Worthington, not Barbarie Smith? Here's what I have, which is from Charles Pope's 1986 "Pioneers of Massachusetts"
1 George Bowers
Death: 1656
Occ: Planter
Freeman of Scituate, 7 March 1636-7; town officer. Sold land April 2, 1640, removed to Cambridge.
Was before the court 31 May 1652 for voting when not a freeman of the colony.
spouse: Elizabeth Worthington
Marr: 15 Apr 1649, Cambridge, MA?
Jerathmeel (1649-1724)
1.1 Captain Jerathmeel Bowers
Birth: 1649
Death: 1724
Bowers was a man of considerable weath for the times. He was in Chelmsford at time of 1688 wedding of daughter Elizabeth.
Moved to Groton 1721-2.
Spouse: Elizabeth __________
Children: Elizabeth (1672->1723) m. Samuel Shedd
Re: Jerathmeel b 1649, son of George?
Posted by: Larry Lincoln Date: May 08, 2000 at 15:31:04
In Reply to: Re: Jerathmeel b 1649, son of George? by Ginny Barker of 2279
Sorry to take so long to follow up on my message of Feb. 24,2000. Assume you read my message of July 17,1999. Here is what I have. George Bowers, who came over to Scituate,Mass. around 1636, had several children by his first wife, Barbara, who died in 1644. In 1649, he married Elizabeth Worthington, by whom he had a son, Jerathmeel, born in Cambridge, Mass. on May 2, 1650. This name appears again in a later generation, but through one of George's sons by his first wife. The line goes like this:
George-1 __ died 1656 in Cambridge
Benanuel-2 married Elizabeth Dunster in 1653, resided in Charlestown, Mass.
Jonathan-3 born 1673 died 1750
Jerathmael-4 married Mary Sherburne.
Concerning Mary Sherburne: She was wealthy in her own right, had lived on Somerset Square in Boston. When Somerset separated from Swansea, Jerathmael wanted to name the town Sherburne in her honor, but there was already a town by that name (present Nantucket), so the name Somerset was chosen, in recognition of where she had lived in Boston, prior to her marriage. A portrait of her by Copley in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, painted in 1673-74, was acquired by the museum in 1915 from Mrs. Mary Isabel Jencks, widow of Mrs. Jerathmael Bowers' great, great grandson.
I have a copy of Jonathan Bowers' will, as well as a copy of the will of Jerathmael Bowers, in which Jerathmael mentions his daughter Mary Jenks, wife of Joseph Jenks.
Hope this makes up for my tardiness!
Larry Lincoln.
Re: Jerathmeel b 1649, son of George?
Posted by: Larry Lincoln Date: August 19, 2000 at 11:37:16
In Reply to: Re: Jerathmeel b 1649, son of George? by Bob Yorks of 2279
I don't have any record of Benanuel having a son Jerathmeel. George and Elizabeth (Worthington) Bowers had a son by the name of Jerathmael, born May 2,1650.
Benanuel was a son of George and his first wife, Barbara (Smyth) Bowers, and he (Benanuel) and his wife, Elizabeth (Dunster) had nine children, among them a Jonathan. Jonathan, who was married to Ann (Sylvester) Bowers, also had nine children, among them a Jerathmael. In Somerset, MA, there is a Bowers family cemetery with a stone wall surrounding it, in which there is a bronze plaque listing Jonathan Bowers born 1673 died 1750; children: Benanuel; Henry; George; David; Benjamin; Jerathmael; Jonathan; Mary; Elizabeth. I saw this myself in 1994.
Also, James E. Bradbury, Curator of the Somerset Historical Society, gave me a copy of the will of Jonathan Bowers, presented to Probate on June 6, 1750, in which his son, Benjamin Bowers, is named sole Executor of the will. In it, Jonathan makes bequests to his seven sons and two daughters (Elizabeth Dean and Mary Swasey), as well as to his grandson, Silvester Bowers, and to his granddaughter, Elizabeth Bowers.
Benjamin Bowers succeeded his father in his shipbuilding business, while his brothers, Jonathan and Henry, used the ships to expand "commerce and build (their) father's business to new dimensions and prosperity."* Jerathmael apparently was not on good terms with his father or brothers, and established his own business, becoming very wealthy on his own. He married Mary Sherburne of Boston, whose portrait by John Singleton Copley was acquired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 1915 from Mrs. Mary Isabel Jencks, widow of Mrs. Bowers' great, great, grandson. I have much more information about Jerathmael, most not very complimentary, contained in a publication of the Somerset Historical Commission, and in a history of the town of Somerset.
* "Somerset, Massachusetts - Portrait of the American Experience in a New England Town" a Somerset Historical Commission Publication by Mary Ann McDonald; and "History of the Town of Somerset, Massachusetts" by William A. Hart, published by Town of Somerset.
Hope this helps you!
Notes for Capt Jerathmeel Bowers Sr.
!"Dutch Uncles and New England Cousins" by Wilson Ober Clough 1977
was in King Philip's War
!BIRTH-DEATH: from Richard Smith (MBBP25A)
!BIRTH-DEATH-MARRIAGE: "New England Marriages Prior to 1700" by
Clarence Almon Torrey, Genealogical Publishing Co,. Baltimore, MD 1985
page 87: BOWERS, Jerathmeel (1650-1721) & Elizabeth ___?; b 1674;
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.
Notes for Elizabeth (Spouse 2)
!BIRTH-DEATH: from Richard Smith (MBBP25A)
!BIRTH-DEATH-MARRIAGE: "New England Marriages Prior to 1700" by
Clarence Almon Torrey, Genealogical Publishing Co,. Baltimore, MD 1985
page 87: BOWERS, Jerathmeel (1650-1721) & Elizabeth ___?; b 1674;