NameJulia Belle Barbour Call 
Birth Date1848
Birth PlaceNY
Reside Date1860
Reside PlaceBellevue, Jackson, Iowa, USA
MemoResidence Post Office: Bellevue
Reside Date1870
Reside PlaceWyoming, Jones, Iowa, USA
MemoResidence Post Office: Wyoming
Reside Date1880
Reside PlaceSpring Valley, Nuckolls, Nebraska, USA
Reside Date1900
Reside PlaceGold Hill, Boulder, Colorado, USA
MemoMarital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Mother
Death Dateaft 1900
Death PlaceGold Hill, Colorado, USA
Census Date1850
Census PlaceBoston, Summit, OH
MemoLiving w/ Culver family page272A house 99 family 102
Census Date1854
Census PlaceMonmouth, Jackson, IA
MemoLiving with Isaac Call and one other female most likely Deborah
Census Date1856
Census PlaceMonmouth, Jackson, IA
MemoAngeline Riggs age 16 living with Calls
Census Date1860
Census PlaceBellevue, Jackson, IA
MemoLiving with Deborah Call
Census Date1870
Census PlaceWyoming, Jones, IA
MemoJC Eastman and Julia B Eastman and Deborah Call Image 5
Census Date1880
Census PlaceSpring Valley, Nuckolls, Nebraska
Death Dateaft 1900
Death PlaceGold Hill, Boulder, Colorado
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, Ancestry GED 4-Dec-2020, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS, Mystery, walker100 fromAncestry 5-Dec-2020
Connection to mother and Father not documented. Julia (Belle) is living with Amamda in 1850 at age 2 so could be Amanda’s child. Since Belles name is CALL, Amanda may have been single when Julia (Belle) was born or Amanda was married to an unknown CALL.
Julia (Belle) was born in NY in 1848-49 and is in Ohio for the 1850 census. Whatever happened, happened fast. Maybe her father was a 49er.
1880 census has both of Julia (Belle)’s parents born in NY. If this is correct she could not be the daughter of Isaac and Deborah since Isaac was born in MA.
The Life & descendants of Deborah A. (Barber) & Isaac Call by Bill Walker
July 13, 1795 Isaac is born in Colrain, Massachusetts the 5th of 11 children of Stephen Call and Patty Martha Emeline Howard.
Deborah Barber was born about seven years later, about 1802 in Verona Township, New York which is in Oneida County on Lake Oneida about where the Erie Canal connected to the lake. The Erie Canal dissects the town <> . For a good reference for the canal history try E Podunk the Power of Place <>
Since we do not know when (or if) Isaac and Deborah married but it is possible the Isaac was traveling or working on the canal when they met. The canal was started when Isaac was 23 and finished in 1826 when he was 31.
In 1833 Deborah made or had a coverlet (I can send a photo) made with her name and date. This coverlet still exists and is held by (my sister) a direct descendant of Amos Call, a relative of Isaac. The only evidence of a link between Isaac and Amos is a rambling dissertation by Anson Call listing all of his relatives.
The Family History Center <;amp;frompage=99> , shows Isaac Call marrying a Deborah, last name unknown, about 1848. This record also shows Isaac’s death as 6 Feb 1855 in Falmouth, Jackson, Iowa.
In the 1830 census however a Isaac Call between the age of 30 and 40 is living in Queensbury, NY in Warren county with a woman between the age of 20 and 30 plus a male child between 10 and 15. This must be Isaac and Deborah. Amos Call and family appear 2 pages earlier in the Queensbury census. The 1830 census has another Isaac Call of the wrong age in North Carolina but no other Amos.
In the 1840 census Isaac, Deborah and a girl age 10 to 15 are living in Hamburg, NY. Amos is living about 10 miles away in North Collins. Deborah is now 38 so if the girl is her daughter they would have been married in 1825, or by her 23rd birthday.
In 1850 Isaac and Deborah are living in Monmouth Township, Jackson County, Iowa.
In 1860 Deborah is living in Bellevue Township, Jackson County, Iowa with a daughter Julia B. age 12.
Found Julia, age 3, in the 1850 census living in Ohio with Alor Alvah and Amanda Culver. Amanda is 26 and born in New York. Her husband is 35 and born in New Hampshire. Amanda most likely is the daughter in the 1840 census.
In 1870 census Deborah is living with Julia and J.C. Eastman in Wyoming Township, Jackson County, Iowa. It is hard to search on initials in most databases so tried “Wyoming, Iowa” and Eastman on Google. Walla, found Charles Barbour Eastman born of unknown parents in Wyoming, Iowa;
EASTMAN, Charles Barbour (M)
Born: 24 JUN 1871 AT Wyoming, Iowa
Died: 1931 AT Boulder, Colorado
Married: 12 JUN 1901 AT Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
WELLMAN, Mary Lucinda
Born: 16 NOV 1875 AT Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
Died: 5 DEC 1934
Father: WELLMAN, Sylvanus DeKalb , b) 19 SEP 1834, d) 3 JUL 1896
Mother: TOWNER, Romelia Amelia , b) 8 MAR 1846, d) 6 JUL 1922
EASTMAN, Ada Belle , b) 1 DEC 1902
EASTMAN, Charles Louis , b) 3 MAY 1904, d) ABT. 1936
Thank you
Now able to search on Charles Eastman since I could not find J.C. of Julia in the subsequent censuses, and walla. Find Charles living with Joseph and Belle Eastman in Spring Valley, Nuckolls, Nebraska. Belle must be Julia’s middle name since she is right age and born in NY.
Now, could Deborah’s maiden name be Barber? Search in FHC finds a Deborah Barber born in NY about the right time. Now trying to prove or disprove that this is she.
Positive indicators are: