Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameMartha Safford
Birth Date1777
Birth PlaceOxford, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, Ancestry GED 4-Dec-2020, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS, walker100 fromAncestry 5-Dec-2020
FatherSafford (~1710-)
MotherMother Lee (~1710-)
Birth Date16 Apr 1739
Birth PlaceOxford, Worester, MA, USA
Death Date14 Apr 1821
Death PlaceColrain, Franklin, MA, USA
Education2 JUN 1869
Religion8 OCT 1897
FatherSamuel Call Sr. (1698-1747)
MotherAbigail Sprague (1702-1748)
Marr Date6 Dec 1798
Marr PlaceOxford, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
Biography: Soon after his first marriage they moved to Coleraine. John is named in the history of Leicester, Massachusetts., as being in the Battle of Quebec, 1759. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His name was given in the roll of men enlisting from Coleraine shortly after the Battle of Bennington. His son John Jr., was also a soldier of the Revolution. John Call was in Military Service in 1777 as was our Captain John Jamison.

Ref.: The service can be obtained from the US. Pension Department or found in the Massachusetts. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution. Dates and children's names are from John Call's record book dated 1762, which he kept from June 19, 1762 until his death in 1808. This was given to Helen Jones Soper by Una Call Jeffers.

Following are five pages from the note book of Deacon John Call.

Page 1- John Call, his book bought at Albany. Price $1.19. June ye 19th, 1762.

Page 2- John Call Jr. was born on Wednesday about four of the clock in the morning it being the 14th of October AD. 1761.

Elizabeth Call was born September ye 29th, 1763, it being on Thursday about 3 of the clock in the afternoon.

Stephen Call was born on Monday about nine of the clock in the evening, it being May the 6th AD. 1765.

He died of the (throat distemper) May 24, about 10 o'clock at night. 1766.

Page 3- Stephen Call, 2nd, born April 29th, 1768 on Friday morning about 7 of the clock.

Eunice Call was born on Wednesday about sunset May ye 14th, 1770.

Levi Call was born Wednesday about 3 o'clock in the morning, January 21st, 1772.

Lucy Call was born on Thursday about 7 o'clock in the evening, June ye 30th, 1774.

Abigail Call was born on Tuesday about noon March ye 19th, 1776.

Levi Call dyed of the Quincy Wednesday 7 o'clock in the morning, April ye 10th, 1776.

Page 4- Eunice Call dyed of the black canker on Thursday about 10 at night. January the 23rd, 1777.

Levi Call, the 2nd, born on Monday about four afternoon June the 29th, 1778.

Isaac Call was born on Monday about eleven in the forenoon, April ye 24th, 1780.

Eunice Call, the 2nd, born Tuesday about ten o'clock at night May ye 28th, 1782.

Joel Call was born February 21st, 1785 on Monday morning about ten o'clock.

Page 5- Isaac Call dyed December ye 1st, 1793.

I was born April 16th, 1739. I was married to Lucy Chaffee, January 1st, 1761. My wife dyed December 16th, 1797.

I was married to Martha Safford, December ye 6th, 1798.

Mother Lee came to live with me February 1786. She dyed September 9th, 1803, in the 85th year of her age.

The above book was kept by John Call from 1762 to his death in 1808. There were some 20 pages about the summer of 1762 when he was carting supplies from Albany to the head of Lake George. The supplies were going to Ticonderoga, to the British Garrison. The book is/was in the possession of George Selleck of Orlando, Florida

Post on familyhistory.com
Re: John Call of Woodstock, CT 1739-1808 (192)
Abstract: I have John Call's diary. It list his second wife after Lucy Chaffe died in 1797 and a complete listing of all his children (12 that lived) with birth and death dates. I know that at least one of his children headed west. My mother-in-law is a Call an the diary plus letters have been passed down
Submitted By: Jerry Pait
Last Modified 15 Dec 2024Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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