Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameGeorgianna A. Hibbard
Reside Date1850
Reside PlaceCollins, Erie, New York, USA
Birth DateJun 1850
Birth PlaceCollins, Erie, New York, United States
Birth DateJun 1850
Birth PlaceCollins, Erie, NY
Birth Date18 Mar 1851
Birth PlaceNorth Collins, Erie, NY
Reside Date1860
Reside PlaceCollins, Erie, New York, USA
MemoResidence Post Office: Gowanda
Census Date1860
Census PlaceCollins, Erie, NY
Memop114 image 23
Reside Date1864
Reside PlaceGriffins Mills, Erie, NY
Reside Date1865
Reside PlaceAurora, Erie, New York, USA
MemoRelation to Head: Child, Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Census Date1865
Census PlaceAurora, Erie, NY
Census Date1870
Census PlacePersia (Gowanda), Cattaraugus, NY
MemoLiving with Hussey, Sylvanius & Mary servant
Reside Dateabt 1875
Reside PlaceLiving with Hussey, Sylvanius & Mary servant image 15
Reside Date1892
Reside PlaceHamburg, Erie, New York
Reside Date1900
Reside PlaceWestwood, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife
Reside Date1900
Reside PlaceWestwood, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: MarriedRelation to Head: Wife
Reside Date1910
Reside PlaceJersey City Ward 8, Hudson, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife
Reside Date1910
Reside PlaceJersey City Ward 8, Hudson, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: MarriedRelation to Head of House: Wife
Reside Date1920
Reside PlaceHillsdale, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoRelation to Head: Mother; Residence Marital Status: Widowed
Reside Date1920
Reside PlaceHillsdale, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoRelation to Head: MotherResidence Marital Status: Widowed
Reside Date1930
Reside PlaceHillsdale, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: Widowed; Relation to Head: Mother
Census Date1930
Census PlaceHillsdale, Bergen, New Jersey
Reside Date1930
Reside PlaceHillsdale, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: WidowedRelation to Head: Mother
Death Date12 Jul 1934
Death PlaceNJ
Burial Dateaft 13 Jul 1934
Burial PlaceWestwood, Bergen, NJ
MemoWestwood Cemetery
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, Ancestry GED 4-Dec-2020, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS, walker100 fromAncestry 5-Dec-2020
FatherGeorge E Hibbard (1828->1880)
MotherEster Call (1829-1859)
Birth Date17 Feb 1851
Birth PlaceWilliamstown, Vermont, USA
Reside Date1855
Reside PlaceCambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
Reside Date1866
Reside PlaceMassachusetts
Reside Date1870
Reside PlaceSomerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
MemoResidence Post Office: Somerville
Reside Date1873
Reside PlaceSomerville, Massachusetts, USA
Reside Date1892
Reside PlaceHamburg, Erie, New York
Reside Date1900
Reside PlaceWestwood, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Head
Reside Date1910
Reside PlaceJersey City Ward 8, Hudson, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
Death Date24 Nov 1914
Death PlaceBronx, New York, USA
Burial Date27 Nov 1914
Burial PlaceWestwood, Bergen County, New Jersey, United States of America
Birth Dateabt Feb 1851
Birth PlaceVermont
Birth Dateabt Feb 1851
Birth PlaceWilliamstown, Orange, VT
Census Date1860
Census PlaceBoston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
MemoBoston Ward 5, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Census Date1870
Census PlaceSomerville, Middlesex, MA
Census Date1900
Census PlaceWestwood, Bergen, NJ
Census Date1910
Census PlaceWestwood, Bergen, NJ
Reside Date1900
Reside PlaceWestwood, Bergen, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: MarriedRelation to Head: Head
Reside Date1910
Reside PlaceJersey City Ward 8, Hudson, New Jersey, USA
MemoMarital Status: MarriedRelation to Head of House: Head
OccupationClerk In RR Office Per 1900 Census
FatherSamuel Poor (1817-1885)
MotherOlive Linfield White (1816-1888)
Marr Dateaft 1 Jun 1870
Marr PlacePepperell, Massachusetts, USA
ChildrenBertha B (~1879-)
 Arthur (1884-)
Notes for Georgianna A. Hibbard
The attached photo shows 3 girls at Alice Austins Wedding, one of which is most likely Georgianna Hibbard. If you know who they are please let me know.
Similiar in age to her cousin Alice E. Austin.
Letter to Georgianna Hibbard from Alice E. Austin, dateline 3 Apr 1864

Dear Cousin,
It has been long since I have heard from you or the rest of them. I have been threatening this long time to write to you, I commenced to write to you the other the day but I thought of somebody else letters that I had been two years answering. I have been afraid every time that I thought of writing to you that it was too late to write you what I was going to. I did not intend to write much when I commenced. I only wanted to write to you about your Aunt Cate Austin. It is sad news to me and I presume it will be to you, Ma is failing very fast. She has to take morphine and I will say this much to you that is if you want to see your Aunt Cate you must come before many weeks pass or way if you weren’t many weeks you will not see her. I have written to you about as much as I shall about it. You have been talking about coming out and coming again. I made up my mind that you don’t care anything about your Aunt Cate or any of us or either your folks don’t want you to come. It is either ? as you either not talk to me anymore. I have been out to see you and it is your turn now. Ma speaks of you very often. Within a few days she would like to see your folks and mother and the baby before she leaves this wicked world. Uncle Vene has got his house pretty well along. Cousin L? miserable and Uncle ? is getting well. Aunt Mary is poorly but the rest of the family is well. Your Uncle Levilles family was well the last I heard. Send me my shirt when you come except I love and to remember I have ... Your affectionate cousin, write me an answer. Alice E. Austin

                               1928 Hibbard Reunion in North Collins

(Contributed by Mary Hibbard Stack <mstack@rochester.rr.com>)

Hibbard Reunion Brings Guests From All Corners of the Land

The Hibbard reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt R. Hibbard at the old homestead on Main street, North Collins, Sunday, June 24.

The following relatives assembled in the afternoon when a bounteous repast was served under the spacious veranda, about 70 being assembled.

Mr. and Mrs. Nash Nye of San Francisco, Calif., who motored from California, making several visits enroute. Mrs. Nye was known in this locality as Clarinda Jane Hibbard, a sister of the Hibbard brothers.

Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus S. Hibbard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hibbard and daughter Harriet, of Terre Haute, Ind., sons of William Hibbard. They also motored here after visiting their sisters at Endicott, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward (mhs note: Edgar) Hibbard and son, Lawrence of Buffalo,

Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hibbard of Knapps Creek, N.Y. (Mrs. Curry is a daughter of Dewitt Hibbard).

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Comstock of Knapps Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin E. Hibbard and son Dee,

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Welch and sons, Alfred Jr. and Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. Harland E. Hibbard, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Ward Hibbard and daughter,

Dorothy, Hoyt R. and Mary M. Hibbard and son Hoyt Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard are the parents of the above four sons and one daughter. All living at the present time within one block of the old homestead.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hibbard,

Mrs. Ellen Ainsley of North Collins,

Mrs. Edith Jackson,

Mr. Fred Sisson,

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ainsley and daughter, Winifred of Buffalo.

Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Nash of Collins,

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sisson of Silver Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Parker, Mr. and

Mrs. Lynn J. Southwich (mhs note: Southwick) of North Collins,

Mr. and Mrs. EGorge(sic) H. Burgott, of Lawtons.

Mrs. Mary Flomerfelt of East Aurora, who was one of the family living at the old homestead and was brought up with the six children of Enos S. and Harriet Josephine Hibbard, all of whom are still living, with the exception of Irene Josephine Hibbard who was killed about 18 months ago in Philadelphia in an automobile accident where she was living at the time and known as Mrs. Matthew Guerin.

Mrs. Laura Brown and three children,

Mrs. Mary Gettshall and son and

Mrs. Mabel Knight of East Aurora, daughters of Mrs. Mary Flomerfelt.

A son of the late William Hibbard resides in Titusville, Pa. He is Joseph Hibbard with his family of six children. One of his sons and a pal left Saturday to hike to the reunion, and made it in time and later hiked back home.

Horace K. Hale of Pasadena, Cal. who also motored east on a visit was a welcome guest, he being an old neighbor of the Hibbard family.

Mr. And Mrs. Ray Hilliker and two children, Beverly and Bud, of Astabula, Ohio;

Mrs. Dell Hilliker of Los Angeles, Cal., who had been visiting her son Ray at Ashtabula. They were also welcome guests and were old neighbors. Ray and Maude Hilliker were seen regularly at the old homestead in the days gone by.

Mrs. D. C. Brown of Buffalo, a former resident of North Collins and mother of Mrs. Edward (mhs note: Edgar) Hibbard was also a welcome guest.

Mrs. Lucy Beebe was a caller late in the afternoon but arrived in time to get in on the program with a few pleasant remarks.

After the relatives and guests had partaken of the supply of good things to eat. which had been brought in by each family, and also the most delicious and the largest strawberries raised on the Old Hibbard Farm at the railroad crossing south of the village donated by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hibbard, the hostess ordered the ice cream freezer opened and everyone had their fill of ice cream and cake.

Darwin Hibbard who was asked to act as toastmaster asked those present to bow their heads in silence for a moment in memory of the departed. A few were called on for speeches or reminiscences. Mrs. Nash Nye responded with two poems entitled "Today is mine" and "The Little Town of no more care."

Mrs. H. G. Parker gave a genology of the Southwicks and Hibbards dating back to the Mayflower.

Mrs. Ellen Ainsley gave a number of reminiscences and activities that occured at the old home in days gone by.

The toastmaster made a few remarks, related a story or two, and then called upon his young son, Dee, who was on hand with a little poem, written by the late Mrs. Emma Train.

H. G. Hibbard was asked to divulge the secret as to how he grew such large and lucious strawberries and all he would say was that he kept digging in. Some of the party claim he agreed to take the whole party down to his strawberry patch but he decided the risk was to great. All the Hibbards responded, also many of the relatives and guests.

The host, Hoyt R. Hibbard, recited the first piece be ever spoke before an audience at a school exhibition when the school house stood on Church st. between the residences now occupied by Bert Hill and Marion Ball.

The hostess, Mrs. Hoyt R. Hibbard, was the last to be called upon. She fittingly closed the program with the following poem by Egar (mhs note: Edgar) A. Guest.

                                       It takes a heap o' livin' in a house t'make it home,
                                       A hep o' sun and shadder, an' ye sometimes have t' roam
                                       Afore ye really 'preciate the tings ye lef' behind,
                                       An' hunger fe 'em somehow, with 'em allus on yer mind.
                                       It don't make any difference how rich ye get t' be,
                                       How much yer chairs an' tables cost, how great yer luxury,
                                       Home ain't a place that gold can buy or get up in a minute,
                                       Afore it's home there's got to be a heap o' livin' in it.

The party then retired to the living room and were entertained by Mrs. Laura Brown of East Aurora with a number of vocal selections which were enjoyed by all. After a number of guests had made their departure a telegram came from the three daughters of William Hibbard who all reside at Endicott, N. Y. expressing their regrets at not being able to be present.

Notes for Georgianna A. Hibbard
The attached photo shows 3 girls at Alice Austins Wedding, one of which is most likely Georgeanna Hibbard. If you know who they are please let me know.
Similiar in age to her cousin Alice E. Austin.
Letter to Georgeanna Hibbard from Alice E. Austin, dateline 3 Apr 1864

Dear Cousin,
It has been long since I have heard from you or the rest of them. I have been threatening this long time to write to you, I commenced to write to you the other the day but I thought of somebody else letters that I had been two years answering. I have been afraid everytime that I thought of writing to you that it was too late to write you what I was going to. I did not intend to write much when I commenced. I only wanted to write to you about your Aunt Cate Austin. It is sad news to me and I presume it will be to you, Ma is failing very fast. She has to take morphine and I will say this much to you that is if you want to see your Aunt Cate you must come before many weeks pass or way if you weren’t many weeks you will not see her. I have written to you about as much as I shall about it. You have been talking about coming out and coming again. I made up my mind that you don’t care anything about your Aunt Cate or any of us or either your folks don’t want you to come. It is either ? as you either not talk to me anymore. I have been out to see you and it is your turn now. Ma speaks of you very often. Within a few days she would like to see your folks and mother and the baby before she leaves this wicked world. Uncle Vene has got his house pretty well along. Cousin L?
miserable and Uncle ? is getting well. Aunt Mary is poorly but the rest of the family is well. Your Uncle Levilles family was well the last I heard. Send me my shirt when you come except I love and to remember I have ... Your affectionate cousin, write me an answer. Alice E. Austin

Dear Mr. Walker, Your website is wonderful!

I am the great granddaughter of Georgiana,(Georgie, Georgia) Hibbard of North Collins, NY.

She was born March 18th, 1851 in North Collins, NY.

She married Daniel Louis Poor in Somerville, Mass.on December 4th, 1875, by Pastor Perkins St.B Church.

Witness was JJ Miller.

They had 2 children,

Bertha Pearl Poor b. JUL 4 1878 in East Somerville Mass. Bertha never married or had children.

Arthur Louis Poor was b. NOV. 3 1884 in Holbrook, Mass. Arthur had 9 children.

Daniel Louis Poor was b. FEB 17  1851, Williamstown, Vt. Daniel died NOV 24 1914.

Georgie died July 12, 1934. They are buried in Westwood Cemetary, New Jersey.

(Information was obtained from the family bible.) I hope this will help you and any one else searching for lost relatives.

Sincerely, Joanne Poor --------
Notes for Georgianna A. Hibbard
Name: Georgianna /Hibbard/
Notes for Daniel Louis (Spouse 1)
Thomas S. Hibbard & wife Loviey may have been parents of George Hibbard b 1828 per 1875 Census
They live near Edmond B Austin in 1880 census
Frame $1500
John F. Sisson 54 M Erie Farmer
Jeanette Sisson 50 F Wife Cayuga
Nylte Sisson 20 F Dau Erie

Charles N. Sisson 22 M Erie Farmer
Julia Sisson 19 F Wife Erie
Many Hibbard 57 F Motherinlaw Erie
J.B. Davis 58 M Uncle Erie Farmer

John S. Jammeson 58 M Scotland Farmer
Francis C. Jammeson 48 F Wife Oneida
Ellsworth Hibbard 14 M Help Erie Farmer

Hibbard, DeWit 1853 22 M

I think a Hibbard woman (dau. of Thomas Hibbard, another of my
direct ancestors of N. Collins) married a Huson. (I can't find my notes,
of course!!) per Mary Stack

1860 census
Lewis D Poor
Age in 1860:
Birth Year:
abt 1851
Home in 1860:
Boston Ward 5, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Post Office:
Value of real estate:
View image
Household Members:
Samuel Poor
Olive L Poor
Mary V Poor
John S Poor
Olive A Poor
Lewis D Poor
Wm Boyden
Last Modified 9 Nov 2024Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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