Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameRuth Sawyer
Birth Date15 Mar 1750
Birth PlaceLancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Death Date7 Jan 1828
Death PlaceBristol, Addison, Vermont, United States
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, Ancestry GED 4-Dec-2020, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS, walker100 fromAncestry 5-Dec-2020
FatherElisha Sawyer (~1720-)
MotherRuth White (~1720-)
Birth Date17 Apr 1748
Birth PlaceLancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Death Date26 Nov 1831
Death PlaceBristol, Addison, Vermont, United States
Birth Dateabt 1748
Chr Date17 Apr 1748
Chr PlaceLancaster West Parish(Later Sterling), MA
MemoChocksett Church
Reside Date1797
Reside PlaceLincoln, Addison, VT
Death Date26 Nov 1831
Death PlaceBristol, Addison, VT
MemoGreenwood Cemetery
FatherJohn Brooks (~1720-)
MotherElizabeth Kendall (~1720-)
Marr Date12 May 1770
Marr PlaceLancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
ChildrenSamuel (1770-)
 John Henry (1783-1869)
 Elizabeth (1773-1802)
 Sibyl (1778-)
Notes for Samuel (Spouse 1)
ORVIS, HEDDING, and DELONG were the only three families residing here until the spring of 1796, when James VARNEY settled on the farm now owned by Irvin COLBY, and Samuel EASTMAN on the farm owned by Charles C. LEE. Jedediah DURFEY settled on the place where Elihu PURINTON now lives, the same spring or following winter. Samuel BROOKS and Wolcott BURNHAM settled here in 1797, the former on the place, or very near, where the school-house now stands in District No. 1. BURNHAM settled on the COWLES farm near his west barn. Thomas LEE settled on the farm with Samuel EASTMAN in 1799. Their houses stood very near the south side of the old orchard above Charles C. LEE's dwelling house. Thomas GOODRICH first came into town September 10, 1799, it being his nineteenth birthday, and resided some time with Thomas LEE and Samuel EASTMAN, and then built a log house and settled on the farm now owned by James BUTTERFIELD. Jonathan GOVE settled in that part of the town known as Gove Hill, in 1800, at which time there were only ninety-seven persons residing in town.
Last Modified 15 Dec 2024Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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