Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameLillis Brown
Birth Date13 Jun 1781
Birth PlaceRichmond, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, United States of America
Reside Date1860
Reside PlaceFerrisburgh, Addison, Vermont, USA
MemoResidence Post Office: Ferrisburgh
Death Datebef 1808
Death PlaceFerrisburg, Addison County, Vermont, United States of America
Burial PlaceFerrisburg, Addison County, Vermont, United States of America
Birth Date12 Jun 1781
Birth PlaceNH
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, Ancestry GED 4-Dec-2020, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS, walker100 fromAncestry 5-Dec-2020
FatherAbraham Brown (~1740-)
Birth Date22 Sep 1768
Birth PlaceNorfolk, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA
Death Date5 Oct 1859
Death PlaceLincoln, Addison, Vermont, USA
Burial PlaceFerrisburg, Addison County, Vermont, United States of America
Census Date1800
Census PlaceLincoln, Addison, VT
Census Date1820
Census PlaceFerrisburg, Addison, Vt
Reside Date27 Apr 1836
Reside PlaceCanada
FatherRoger Orvis (1745-1829)
MotherRuth Howe (~1745-)
Marr Date10 Sep 1807
Marr PlaceBristol, Addison, VT
ChildrenJacob (1811-1895)
 Lorenzo (1814-1892)
 John (1816-1897)
 James (1818-1886)
 Isaac (1809-1894)
 Myron (1823-1893)
ChildrenMyron (~1810-)
Notes for Lillis Brown
Other Browns (at) Ferrisburg
1811 FERRISBURG PREP MEETING: informs Nicholas Brown Requested a removal Certificate to Young Street MM in uper Canada for himself and family therefore Timothy Dakin & James Austin are appointed to make inspection and if the way is clear to prepare one and produce to next meeting with their report --and also informs that Israel Burchard Requests to be recieved into membership with friends therefore Philo Chandler & Cornelius Holbut are appointed to Visit him on that account and inspect into his life and conversation and grounds of his Request and Report there sence there to Next Meeting

1811 FERRISBURG PREP MEETING: Said meeting also informs that Joseph Brown has removed into Canada in the range of Young Street Mo Meeting therefore James Austin & Delah Gregory are appointed to make inspection and if the way is clear to Produce a Certificate to Next meeting with their Report..
Notes for Lillis Brown
Posted by Julia Joaquin on October 12, 1998 at 10:40:02:

Dr. Abraham Orvis, b. 1811 Ferrisburg,VT son of Loren Orvis. He married Deborah Keese of NY. He died Dixon Il. Would like to share info on his
descendants. Thank you. Julia
Notes for Lorenzo (Loren) W (Spouse 1)
Other Orvis's mentioned in the Ferrisburg MM minutes:
1807 Phelander
1828 Jacob at wedding James Barnes and Rebecca Sears

ORVIS Orvis, Francis W. Outlines of the Orvis Family. (1913). CS/71/O79/1913
ORVIS Orvis, Francis W. A History of the Orvis Family in America. (1922). CS/71/O79/1922

[p.240] Miss Ruth Katherine Orvis.
DAR ID Number: 54553
Born in Ferrisburg, Vt.
Descendant of Roger Orvis, Sergt. Ebenezer Bush, Daniel Hemenway, and Lieut. Silas Hemenway.
Daughter of Myron Orvis and Ruth Jenison, his wife.
Granddaughter of Loren Orvis and Lillis Brown, his 2nd wife; Silas Hemenway Jenison and Marilla Hanks Bush, his wife.

Gr-granddaughter of Roger Orvis and Ruth Howe, his wife; Levi Jenison and Ruth Hemenway, his wife; Ebenezer Bush and Sara Cary, his wife.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Silas Hemenway and Mary Smith, his wife.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of Daniel Hemenway and Ruth Bigelow, his wife.
Roger Orvis (1745-1829) was placed on the New York pension roll, 1818, for service as private in the 9th company, Colonel Hinman's Connecticut regiment, 1775. He was born in Farmington, Conn.; died in Western, N. Y.
Ebenezer Bush (1745-91) served as sergeant in Capt. Peter Porter's company, Col. John Brown's Berkshire County regiment, 1777. He was born in Becket, Mass.; died in Fairhaven, Vt.
Daniel Hemenway (1719-94) was a minute man from Framingham, at the Lexington Alarm. He served as a delegate to the convention that framed the State Constitution. He was born in Framingham; died in Shrewsbury, Mass.
Also No. 16525.
Silas Hemenway (1744-1830) served as lieutenant with Capt. Isaac Harrington, Col. Job Cushing's regiment, 1778, in the Worcester County Militia. He was born in Marlboro; died in Shrewsbury, Mass.
Also No. 44967..
Posted by: Susan Ouellette Date: June 18, 2001 at 04:39:07
In Reply to: Re: Phebe Orvis, dau of Loren and Elizabeth by Julia Joaquin of 309

Hi! my address is I am not related (or at least probably not) I am interested in Phebe because of some references I have found in early letters written by Quaker women in Addison County, am an historian of women and interested in her life. She, as you know, lived here in Vermont until she reluctantly left to live on the frontier (western New York) first at her Uncle Durfey's tavern and then as the wife of Samuel Eastman, Jr. Loren and Lillis (Brown) Orvis are buried just a couple miles from here in the Ferrisburg burial ground. I have also been wondering where Phebe's mother is buried. I turned up her death date in a genealogy, but after visiting all the possible places her death may have been recorded, I drew a blank. I located the place where Loren 's first farm was in Lincoln/Starksboro (on Quaker Street) and looked at the earliest Quaker burial ground there, but she was not there (or not marked). I checked the local town records and the Quaker records (which oddly enough are here in the Ferrisburg town clerk's office), but still nothing. I wonder if the 1922 book would shed some light.
Posted by: Doug Orvis,Brampton,ON, Canada Date: April 20, 2001 at 11:44:11
In Reply to: Re: Orvis in Sudbury, Suffolk, England by Laurie of 309

Hi Laurie, I just sent a note to Suffolk to establish a link. Roy Orvis in Rochester NY is computerizing the family names. He had done 2000 out of 4000 a couple of years ago.There is a pioneer cemetery in Ajax,Ontario where Selah Orvis, Loren Orvis and a number of descendents are buried.They are included in the book.
I would be pleased to hear back from you and we could compare notes,

Regards, Doug Orvis
Remarks notes for Lorenzo (Loren) W (Spouse 1)

Dr. Roy Orvis of NY has tons of Orvis data. Roy is from the
family of Orvis from Alberta Canada-he came to States for college and
stayed-retiring from Eastman-Kodak a couple of years ago
History notes for Lorenzo (Loren) W (Spouse 1)
Last Modified 15 Dec 2024Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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