Birth Date12 Sep 1906
Birth PlaceFort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, USA
Birth Dateabt 1907
Birth PlaceIndiana
Reside Date1910
Reside PlaceFort Wayne Ward 5, Allen, Indiana, USA
MemoMarital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Reside Date1920
Reside PlaceFort Wayne Ward 5, Allen, Indiana, USA
MemoRelation to Head: Daughter; Residence Marital Status: Single
Reside Date1924
Reside PlaceFort Wayne, Indiana, USA
Reside Date1930
Reside PlaceBuffalo, Erie, New York, USA
MemoMarital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Daughter-in-law
Reside Date1935
Reside PlaceSpringville, Massachusetts
Reside Date1940
Reside PlaceBuffalo, Erie, New York, USA
MemoMarital Status: Divorced; Relation to Head: Niece
Reside Date1956
Reside PlaceBuffalo, New York, USA
Death DateMar 1986
Death PlaceBuffalo, Erie, New York, USA
Birth Date12 Sep 1906
Birth PlaceFort Wayne, IN
Memoper Indiana marriage license dated 1 june 1945
Reside Date1910
Reside PlaceFort Wayne Ward 5, Allen, Indiana, USA
MemoMarital Status: SingleRelation to Head of House: Daughter
Reside Date1920
Reside PlaceFort Wayne Ward 5, Allen, Indiana, USA
MemoRelation to Head: DaughterResidence Marital Status: Single
Reside Date1930
Reside PlaceBuffalo, Erie, New York, USA
MemoMarital Status: MarriedRelation to Head: Daughter-in-law
Reside Date1940
Reside PlaceBuffalo, Erie, New York, USA
MemoMarital Status: DivorcedRelation to Head: Niece