Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameRuth Ann Eddlemon
Birth Date1863
Birth Dateabt 1873
Birth PlaceCA
FatherHorace Danford Northrop (1824-1891)
MotherLydia C. Cram (~1838-)
Marr Date19 Jan 1895
Internet Link notes for Charles W. (Spouse 1)
        Fifty­eight years have passed since the family to which Raymond Arthur Northrop belongs became identified with the progress and development of San Joaquin County. A native son of California, he was born at Acampo, November 13, 1898, a son of Charles W. and Ruth (Eddlemon) Northrop, both natives of California. Grandfather Horace Eddlemon was born in Arkansas and came across the plains in pioneer days, locating on a ranch a mile east of the present site of Lodi. Later on he moved to what is now called Christian Colony, where he farmed until he retired. There he and his wife passed away, their demise occurring only a month apart.

Grandfather Horace D. Northrop was a native of Vermont, who was left on orphan early in life and worked and earned his living wherever and however he could. When he became of age, he went to Boston and was there engaged in the oyster business for several years. In the year 1850 he started for California, but stopped with a brother in Iowa, who persuaded him to remain there and he purchased a farm in Jackson County. He married Miss Roxana Wilson, a native of New Hampshire, who passed away in 1856; then, in 1862, he married Mrs. Lydia C. Wilson, whose maiden name was Cram, and in 1864 they crossed the plains to California, being accompanied by several other California-bound families. In October, 1864, they settled in San Joaquin County, where he purchased 160 acres of choice farming land; and there their four children were born and reared,

Charles W. Northrop, the father of our subject, being the youngest. There were but two children in the family of Charles W. Northrop and his wife. Merle served in Company D, 363rd Infantry, 91st Division, and was sent overseas, taking part in three different battles with that celebrated division. After eleven months service overseas he returned home, and is now ranching on Sargent road. Raymond A. was educated in Houston district school, and assisted his mother on the home farm until his marriage.
        On April 18, 1920, Mr. Northrop was married to Miss Donna B. Posey, a daughter of John M. Posey, a pioneer of the county. Mrs. Northrop was born on the Posey ranch west of Lodi, and was educated in the Turner district school and the Lodi high school. Mr. Northrop is in partnership with John M. Posey in running a forty-acre vineyard, twenty acres of which is in full bearing and twenty acres in young vineyard; he is also a partner in a twenty-three acre Tokay vineyard three miles east of Lodi. Three years ago Mr. Northrop built one of the most modern residences in the Lafayette Hall district, on his home ranch, which is under the Woodbridge irrigation system. One child has come to bless their home, and she bears the name of June Noreen. Mr. and Mrs. Northrop are active members in the Congregational Church at Lodi, and he is a well-known and representative citizen of his locality.
History of San Joaquin County, California – Los Angeles, Historic Record Co., 1923
p   1132      
Transcribed by Kathy Sedler.
Last Modified 17 May 2015Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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