Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameJane {Dixon}
Birth Dateabt 1820
Birth PlaceStamford, Welland, ON
MotherMary {Dixon} (~1800-)
Birth DateAug 1825
Birth PlaceBolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, England
Birth DateAug 1825
Birth PlaceBolton, Lancashire, England
Birth DateMar 1825
Birth PlaceAddington, Carlisle, Cumberland, ENG
Birth DateAug 1825
Birth PlaceBolton le Moors, Lancashire, England
Birth DateMar 1825
Birth PlaceAddington, Carlisle, Cumberland, England
Birth Dateabt 1828
Birth PlaceBolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, England
Birth DateAug 1825
Birth PlaceBolton, Lancashire, England
Birth Date1825
Birth PlaceBolton, Lancashire, England
Reside Date1851
Reside PlaceGreat Bolton, Lancashire, England
MemoAge: 25; Relation: Son
Reside Date1851
Reside PlaceGreat Bolton, Lancashire, England
MemoRelationship: Son
Reside Date1852
Reside PlaceThorold, Welland County, Canada West (Ontario), Canada
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceBury, Lancashire, England
MemoAge: 33; Relation: Head
Reside Date1871
Reside PlaceBury, Lancashire, England
MemoAge: 46; Relation: Head
Death DateOct 1879
Death PlaceLeigh, Lancashire, England
Death Datebef 1880
Death DateOct 1879
Death PlaceLeigh, Lancashire, England
Death Date1880
Chr Date25 Mar 1825
Chr PlaceCarlisle, Cumberland, England
Census Date1851
Census PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, ON
MemoShown as single out of district with home in Thorold. every person who sojourned in the house on the night of Sunday, 11 January 1851, as well as individuals who usually lived at the house, but were absent on that night,
Census Date1861
Census PlaceThorold, Haldimand, ON, Canada
MemoCanada West > Welland > Image 524
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceBury, Lancashire, England
MemoAge: 33Relation: Head
Census Date1871
Census PlaceLincoln, St. Catherines, Welland, ON
MemoCarpenter Joiner
Reside Date1871
Reside PlaceBury, Lancashire, England
MemoAge: 46Relation: Head
OccupationCarpenter Joiner Per 1871 Census. Shoe Dealer Per 1861 Census
FatherClement Dixon (1790-1876)
Marr Datebef 1850
ChildrenAlmira L (1851-)
Birth Dateabt 1820
Notes for Joseph C. (Bolton) (Spouse 1)
1861 census of Canada had the following people:
Clement Dixon
Susan L.B. Dixon
Oliver C.
Jane Canada age 10 U.C.
Catharine McDonald age 19 U.C.
Chas McDonald age 20 U.C.
Racheal Langell age ?? born USA just visiting / home Niagara
Weslean Method Collection
Collected by Mesdames W. B Hendershot,  & J.Munro.& Misses Somerville, Harriet Beaty, and L. Hoover.

George Sidney...... 2 10 0
 G. Keefer, seutr, Esq 1 a 0 
J.. Munroe and wife.• 1 10 0 
W. James and family 1 5 
William Beatty, sen'r 1 U 0
James McOwen.... 1 0 0 
J. Boyle and family
 Jacob Keeter and wife
David N.lloore. • •.• 
Mrs.W.D. Heundershot
Joseph Dixon
 Mrs. MCClelland••.
Robert P e w . • • . . • •
G. McArthur and wife
D. McKenzie and wife
Mr. Hoover. • •••••
Mr.Henderson. •• 5 0 
I. T. Holmes
Frederick Hutt.. • • •
John Tewsley .• • • • 
William Martin... • •
Dewit C. Ward •• o.
Mr. Needle. • •• • • •
Peter B. Owens. • • •
Hugh Patterson
 Mr. Geo. Gray.. • • •

Rich'd Serbeck.....
John Dixon. • .......
John Nethercott ...
Harriet Beatty   5 
James Beatty. 5
Clement Dixon
Peter H.Swartz ••o.
John Swartz • • ....
Mrs. Jacob Swartz
Beatty McClary. • • •
John Donaldson....
William H. Ward.. •
Charles Cockburn. • •
John Band. • • • • • •
Small sumd••••••• 3 9 9.5
CollcetiOIlS••••..••4 14 3.5
History notes for Joseph C. (Bolton) (Spouse 1)

The Thorold Band was organized in 1851 this being the band in the town The first teacher was Joseph Harkness leader was James Weeks and the other members were Joseph Abbott, James Winslow, Daniel Fordham, Peter Milloy, Robert Eddy and John Pew Of these James Weeks Robert Eddy and James Winslow still survive This musical body continued in existence for only two or three years the number of members being increased during that time by the addition of Alex Lettey, John Dixon, Joseph Dixon, Chas Ball, Wm J Shannon and John H Caspar The instruments were the property of the village and in 1854 were handed over to the reeve and for some time the village was without a band During the time that the instruments lay in the council room 1857 in charge of the reeve of that year the Drum mondville fire brigade sent a messenger to Thorold to ask the bandsmen to play for them on July 4th at a parade that they were to attend across the river The agent was told there was no band in existence and that it was impossible He insisted and the issue was that five of the bandsmen stole through a window took five instruments drew handsome remuneration for their work returned home replaced the instruments as secretly as they had taken them and neither the council nor the villagers were ever the wiser.
Notes for Joseph C. (Bolton) (Spouse 1)
Name: Joseph C /Dixon/, ,
Name: Joseph /Dixon/
Last Modified 5 Dec 2020Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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