Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameRuben Tower Palmer
Birth Date14 Mar 1814
FatherAbraham A. Palmer (1790-1850)
MotherElizabeth Tower (~1790-)
Notes for Ruben Tower Palmer

Born: 04Mar1814 in Canton, Bradford Co., PA. Age 34 per 1850 census.

Died: 31Mar1893 in Middlebury, Tioga Co., PA

Married: Mary Ayres in 1835. (11Sep1817-21Jun1902). Age 34 per 1850 census??. Daughter of Marcus Ayres of Bradford Co., PA.

Ruben was a farmer residing the greater part of his life in Middlebury Tp., going there from Canton Tp., Bradford Co. in about 1830 with his parents. He was in the Civil War in Co. A, 149th Pa. Reg. The list of his children as given herein was taken from the History of Tioga Co., without any dates other than for two children.


Otis G.: b. abt. 1836, resided in Mich. Age 12 per 1850 census.

Ada C. (Addie): married William Carr, resided in Mich.

(16) Chauncey Kingsley: born 12Dec1840

Delila: married William Holt. Age 4 per 1850 census.

Emma: married James Shutter, resided Tioga Tp., Tioga Co., PA. Age 5 per 1850 census.

Hanna Alzuma: married Silas Holt, resided in Canton, PA. Age 1 per 1850 census.

Lucian B.: resided Farmington Tp., Tioga Co., PA

Laura: b. 11Dec1856, married Orson S. Daggett (b. 28Sep1856) on 12Sep1875

This account appears in the "HISTORY OF TIOGA COUNTY":

Ruben Tower Palmer was born in Bradford Co., PA in 1814, a son of Abram and Hannah Palmer. His father was a native of Vermont, whence he removed to Bradford Co. at an early day, coming to Tioga Co. about 18xx and locating on a farm in Middlebury Tp., where both he and his wife died. They were the parents of thirteen children, Ruben T. being the eighth in the family. He was reared on a farm, and first came to Tioga Co. in boyhood to burn charcoal. In 1835 he purchased a farm in Middlebury township, and henceforth he devoted his attention to agriculture. He subsequently married Mary Ayres, a daughter of Marcus Ayres, of Bradford Co., lived in that county for a short period, and then took up residence on his farm in Middlebury. Nine children were born to Ruben T. and Mary Palmer, as follows: Otis G., a resident of Michigan, Chauncey King, deceased; Addie, wife of William Carr, of Michigan; Delila, deceased wife of William Holt; Emma, wife of James Shutter, of Tioga township; Hannah, deceased; Alzuma, wife of Silas Holt, of Canton, New York; Lucian B., of Farmington township, and Laura, wife of Orson Daggett. Mr Palmer died 31Mar1893. His widow is in her eightieth year, having been born 11Sep1817.
Last Modified 17 May 2015Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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