NameMary Pearson 
Birth Date17 Feb 1651
Birth PlaceRowley, Essex, MA
Birth Date20 Aug 1644
Birth PlaceRowley, Essex, MA
Death Date21 Jun 1719
Death PlaceRowley, Essex, MA
Notes for Samuel (Spouse 1)
Following is from a portion of Palmer Families in
America by Horace W.Palmer 1878-1953: pg. 5522
"Desc. of Thomas & John Palmer of
Rowley,Mass.", compiled in 1923 by Dr. Byron S.
Palmer, Palmyra, NY:
"Samuel was a freeholder in Rowley on Jan. 28,
1677 (N.E. Vol. 27, pg.48), and he took the oath
of Fidelity in the Mass. Bay Colony on May7,
1684, which oath constituted him a freeman
(Boston Misc. Papers,Vol. 29 of Commr. Rec.,
pg. 157, fr. Col. Rec., Vol. 5, p. 436).Samuel was
elected Overseer of Highways and Viewer of
Fences andChimneys on Jan. 10, 1669/70 (T.R.)
He was elected Deacon of the 1stChurch of Rowley
on Feb. 1, 1707/8 and continued as such until
hisdeath. He and his wife are both buried in the
original Rowley Cemetery and their tombstones are
still standing. (Essex Inst., Vol.15, pg. 26.)
There is no will or administration of Samuel or of
his wife, he havingdivided his estate among his
children by deeds before his death."
Following is taken from book "Early Settlers of
Rowley, MASS", pg,259: #134-1:
"Dea. Samuel Palmer (s. of Thomas #134), born
20: 6 mo. 1644; married20 Dec., 1671, Mary,
daughter of John Pearson (#140). She died 7July,
1716 (G.S.). He was chosen deacon of Rowley
Church, 1 Feb.1707-8, and died 21 June 1719
(G.S.). He arranged the distribution ofhis estate
among his children during his lifetime (Essex
Deeds, 33:142).
Children of record in Rowley:
134-4. Mary, bp. 29 Sept., 1672; d. soon.
134-5. Mary, b. 6 Apr., 1674; m. Benjamin
Stickney (#189-23).
134-6. Martha, b. 24 Apr., 1677; m. 3 Nov.,
1698, Samuel Hale of Bradford.
134-7. Thomas, twin, b. 19: 7 mo. 1684; m. Sarah
134-8. Phebe, twin, b. 19: 7 mo. 1684; m. George