NameJohn Hamen 
Birth Dateabt 1700
Birth Date21 Apr 1702
Birth PlaceCharlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States
Reside PlaceUSA
Death Date17 Sep 1748
Death PlaceOxford, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Birth Date21 Apr 1702
Birth PlaceCharlestown, Middlesex, MA
Chr Date15 Nov 1702
Chr PlaceCharlestown, Suffolk, MA
Notes for Abigail (Spouse 1)
180. Abigail Sprague was born on 15 Nov 1702 in Charlestown, Suffolk, MA. Abigail Sprague was the second cousin, once removed of Hannah Sprague, who married John Call (reported by Scot Austin to be the brother of Samuel Call, Abigail Spragues husband.)
She was married to Samuel Call (son of John Call and Martha Lowden) in 1721 in Franklin, Franklin, VT. Samuel Call was born on 6 Jun 1698 in Charlestown, Suffolk, MA. He was christened on 6 Jun 1698 in Charlestown, Suffolk, MA. He died in 1747.
"The Spragues of Malden, Mass.", by George Walter Chamberlain, page 140.
Samuel call was from Charlestown, Malden and Oxford, MA.