I was into your website and found your entries for Bunker and Hussey. I noticed that you have the William Bunker/Bon Coeur myth shown for George-1 Bunker and thought you might be interested in the Bunker Family Association's recognized ancestry for George.
1. Roger Buncker, will dated 1515 Tyngrffe (Tingrith), Bedfordshire, Eng; m. Agnes and had
2. William Buncker, will dated 1558 Tingreyfe, witnessed by Robert Clarke, "...during the raigne of oure Soveraigne Lord and Ladye Kinge Phillip and Quene Marye" mentions wife Ann and children William, Ptryke, Joane, Bridget, Avys and
3. Olyver Buncker, will dated 1616, witnessed by Humfrey Hill and Henrye Andrews, Tingreeff, mentions wife Joan and children. Joan's will dated Apr 1625 has her name as "Buncher." Their children were Edmund, William, John, Alice, Thomas, George, Julia and two other sons who were:
4. Francis Buncker, bapt 6 Mar 1574 tingrith; m. 10 Jul 1609 tabitha Davey (these might be the parents of our George). They had Oliver, Jona than, Joseph, Jane, Joan, William and
5. George, bapt 1617 (this could be our George Bunker of Topsfield)
4. Timothy Buncker, bapt 22 Jun 1578 tingrith; m. #2 May 3, 1620 Elizabeth Hawkins (these might be the parents of our George). They had William, Joan and
5. George, bapt 1621 (this could be our George Bunker of Topsfield)
It is still not known which of the two sets of parents were those of our George-1 Bunker of f. Francis and Timothy had a brother named George who also had a son named George who later owned Bunker's Hill. So, there were three cousins named George Bunker, at least to whom came to New England...perhaps all three.
There definitely was a Sir William Bonquer, according to the BFA, first recorded in 1246. He was a Magistrar, judge, diplomat and member of the court of King Henry III. He made many diplomatic missions to France and to Rome on the King's behalf, especially to negotiate with the Pope. The last entry for him was sometime in 1271, which is when it is supposed he died.
Considering the dates, he couldn't possibly be the father of George-1 Bunker, since there is about a 400 year difference in those dates.
Bonquer also could not have been a Huguenot fleeing from religious persecution. The persecutions of the Huguenots took place in the 1600s. It is doubtful that the King would have sent a Huguenot refugee to negotiate with the King of France, even if the dates would fit (which they don't). Bonquer was, in all likelihood, a Roman Catholic...considering the dates and that fact that he was dealing many times with a Roman Catholic Pope and for a Roman Catholic King.
My lines from George Bunker and Jane Godrey are: Martha-2 Bunker m. Stephen-2 Hussey William-2 Bunker m. Mary-2 Macy
I had the same ancestry shown for George as you have until I connected with the BFA. I haven't been a mem- ber of BFA for several years now but don't think there has been any new data found about George's ancestry. It would be nice to know which brother was our George's father and maybe someday that will be found.
Regards, Cece