NameEbenezer Emery 
Birth Date16 Sep 1648
Birth PlaceNewbury, Essex, MA
Death Date28 Apr 1691/4
Death PlaceNewbury, Essex, MA
Birth Date4 Mar 1642/43
Birth PlaceEngland or Wales
Death DateApr 1728
Marr Date21 Apr 1669
Marr PlaceNewbury, Essex, MA
Notes for Ebenezer Emery
HOAG JOHN weaver, was born in 1634, came to Newbury and m. Ebenezer, the daughter of John EMERY, 21 April 1669. He died in 1728, aged 83. Children: John, 20 Feb. 1670, Jonathan, 28 Oct. 1671, Joseph, 10 Jan. 1677, Hannah, 3 Jan. 1683, Judith, 20 April 1687.
HOAG BENJAMIN m. Sara NORRIS, of Exeter, 23 June 1702.
EMERY ANTHONY carpenter, came from Romsey, England, in June, 1635, in the ship
James to Newbury, thence to Dover as early as 1644, thence to Kittery.
EMERY JOHN carpenter, brother to Anthony, came with him to Newbury in 1635. He
died 3 Nov. 1683, aged 85. Children: John, born in England, about 1629.
"Ebenezer, a daughter, 16 Sept.1648, being Monday morning two houres before
day," Jonathan, 13 May 1652.
EMERY JOHN son of John, Sr. m. Mary WEBSTER, widow of John WEBSTER, of
Ipswich, 29 Oct. 1650. Children: Mary, 24 June 1652, Hannah, 26 April 1654,
John, 12 Sept. 1656, Bethia, 15 Oct. 1658, Sarah, 26 Feb. 1661, Joseph, 23
Mar. 1663, Stephen, 6 Sept. 1666, Abigail, 16 Jan. 1669, Samuel, 20 Dec. 1670,
Judith, 5 Feb. 1673, Lydia, 19 Feb. 1675, Elizabeth, 8 Feb. 1680, Josiah, 28
Feb. 1681. John EMERY, died in 1693, aged 65. Mary, his widow, died 28 April 1694.
EMERY JONATHAN son of John, Sr. m. Mary WOODMAN 29 nov. 1676. Children: Mary,
25 Sept. 1677, Jonathan, 2 Feb. 1679, David, 28 Sept. 1682, Anthony, 13 Nov.
1681, Stephen, 13 Jan. 1687, and died 8 Oct. 1688, Sara, 18 Dec. 1688,
Stephen, 24 June 1692, Edward, 10 Nov. 1694.
EMERY JOHN son of John, Jr. m. Mary SAWYER 13 June 1683. Children: Mary, 25
Dec. 1681, John, 29 Sept. 1686, Josiah, 19 Dec. 1688, Daniel, 15 June 1693,
Lydia, 29 April 1698, Samuel, 25 Oct. 1699. His wife Mary died 3 Nov. 1699.
He then m. Abigail BARTLET, 4 May 1705.
EMERY STEPHEN son of John, Jr. m. Ruth JAQUES, 29 Nov. 1692. Children: Anna,
10 Oct. 1693, Sarah, 1 Jan. 1696, Ruth, 16 June 1698, Mary, 15 Dec. 1700,
Judith, 25 Feb. 1703, Abigail, 4 May 1705.
Well that's it, hope it helps. One interesting note, Joshua Coffin, the
Compiler of this data must have found your grandmother EBENEZER's name to be
unusual in 1845, as both times he listed her he put her name in italics the
only ones I've seen him use. It's good that you knew this as I would never
have guessed.
My Newbury lines include COFFIN also, with PIKE, THURLO, GREENLEAF, ADAMS, AND
PETTINGELL. I am currently hung up on a BENSON line in Mendon, Worcester Co.,
MA and need some lookups myself.
Have a good day.
Richard Smith
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
HOAG JOHN weaver, was born in 1634, came to Newbury and m. Ebenezer, the
daughter of John EMERY, 21 April 1669. He died in 1728, aged 83. Children:
John, 20 Feb. 1670, Jonathan, 28 Oct. 1671, Joseph, 10 Jan. 1677, Hannah, 3
Jan. 1683, Judith, 20 April 1687.