NameNathaniel Austin
Birth Date2 Mar 1687
Birth PlaceMA/NH
Death DateFeb 1749
Death PlaceDover, NH
Birth Date4 Dec 1695
Death Dateaft 23 May 1751 bef May 1760
Marr Date22 Sep 1714
Marr PlaceDover, Strafford, NH
Remarks notes for Nathaniel Austin
!BIRTH-PARENTS-SIBLINGS-SPOUSE-CHILDREN-DEATH: Edith Austin Moore, JOSEPH AUSTIN OF NH AND MATTHEW AUSTIN OF ME; p 9, 13 & 14; Nathaniel drowned, his will proved June 28, 1749, at Dover, NH. A.F.A.O.A. has copy.
!PARENTS-BIRTH-SIBLINGS-MARRIAGE-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, Vol. 5, p 450; gives issue Catherine, Phebe, Sarah, Anna, Nathaniel, Rebecca, Nicholas, Mary, Priscilla, Andrew, James and Elijah.
!RESIDENCE-SPOUSE-SONS-DEATH: NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER, Vol. 94; shows June 28, 1749 - admn. of estate of Nathaniel Austin of Dover, granted to Catherine Austin, widow and also mentioned Nathaniel and Joseph Austin.
!BIRTH-PARENTS-SIBLINGS: Records of Joseph Johnson TN 1996. Shows b. Nantucket, MA.
Source: New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Vol.I, pp. 54, 56, 57, 60,
63; Vol.II, pp. 124; Vol.III, p.31, 66, 69-70; and Vol.IV, pp. 39, 40,
67, 70, 121-122. Colonial Era History of Dover, NH by John SCALES,
p.373 [which lists the children of Nathaniel and Catherine NEALE AUSTIN
and gives new style/non-Quaker dates for their children, which is why
the birth dates for Catherine and Phebe AUSTIN are incorrect*, since I
was unable to find them in the Quakers records. In a purely speculative
vein, the birth date for Catherine may be *12, 1m, 1715*, which should
then read *12 Mar 1715*, and the birth date for Phebe may be *14, 3m,
1718*, which would then read *14 May 1718*, but there isn't any proof
unless I can find the missing Quaker records for these two daughters.
Education notes for Nathaniel Austin
Edith Austin Moore, JOSEPH AUSTIN OF NH AND MATTHEW AUSTIN OF ME; p 9, 13 & 14; Nathaniel drowned, his will proved June 28, 1749, at Dover, NH. A.F.A.O.A. has copy. The following is taken from p 14, it appears to be a newspaper article: "Nathaniel Austin was drowned in Feb. 1749." "We hear from Piscataqua that ten days ago Mr. Austin of Dover, going over the river upon the ice on horse back to Berwick in the night, happened to land about a mile and a half distant from the place he designs for and perceiving his mistake went of the ice again and unhappily he came to an opening and he and his horse fell in and were drowned."
!CHILDREN-LAND: Estate papers of Nathaniel Austin, Sr.; wit. Dover, NH, 7 Sep. 1771. Ref. NH Historical Society Library, Concord, NH (1955): "Nathaniel Austin, Jr. who was eldest son of Intestate and is likewise dead, it having been represented to us that he in his lifetime purchased the interest of all the heirs in the estate of the said Intestate except 5/6 part of the right of the heirs of Phebe Hanson, one of the daughter's of said Intestate, who is likewise deceased, all the real estate of said deceased escept 30 acres of land in the Town of Somersworth, which we have set off to Nicholas Austin who we are told is owner of the 5/6 part of the said Phebe's right in the whole real estate of said Intestate - being the land on which the said Nicholas now lives and is bounded as follows, viz. westerly on land of John McElroy, Southerly, by land of Ben Austin, easterly by the road that leads to Great Falls (so called) and land of Joshua Wentworth and northerly by land of Samuel and Stephen Austin."
Notes for Nathaniel Austin
State Papers of N.H. Vol 31 - 33
NATHANIEL AUSTIN of Dover, New Hampshire
Wid CATHERINE AUSTIN, June 28, 1749
Also mentioned are NATHANIAL and JOSEPH AUSTIN
Yeoman Inventory - £ 4398.12.0
Remarks notes for Catherine (Spouse 1)
!BIRTH-PARENTS-MARRIAGE-SPOUSE-DEATH: Records of Sharon Bakke OR (1993).