Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameMary McDonald
Birth Dateabt 1841
Birth PlaceCaladonia, Haldimand, ON
Death Date4 Dec 1923
FlagsAncestry 12-Dec -2021 GED, Ancestry GED 4-Dec-2020, From Walkershire 100 Dec 2021 CAPS, walker100 fromAncestry 5-Dec-2020
Birth Date2 Jan 1823
Birth PlaceJedburgh, Roxburghshire, SCT
Emig Date1841
Reside Date1852
Reside PlaceOneida, Haldimand County, Canada West (Ontario), Canada
MemoAge: 26
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceOneida, Haldimand, Canada West, Canada
MemoAge: 35; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
Reside Date1871
Reside PlaceOntario, Canada
MemoAge: 44; Marital Status: Married
Reside PlaceOneida, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
Death Date14 May 1889
Death PlaceOnedia, Haldimand, Ontario
MemoGore Cemetery
Burial PlaceGore Cemetery, Clanbrassil
Birth Date1823
Birth Placejedburgh, Roxburghshire, SCT
Birth Date2 Jan 1823
Birth Placejedburgh, Roxburghshire, SCT
Census Date1851
Census PlaceOneida, Haldimand, ON
MemoLiving with sister Margaret
Census Date1861
Census PlaceOneida, Haldimand, ON
MemoLog home 1 story
Death Date14 May 1889
MemoDr. McDonald
Reside Date1871
Reside PlaceOntario, Canada
MemoAge: 44Marital Status: Married
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceOneida, Haldimand, Canada West, Canada
MemoAge: 35Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
FatherRobert K. Smith (1786-1857)
MotherMary Buchan Wood (1791-1841)
Marr Date8 Mar 1871
Birth Date2 Jan 1823
Birth PlaceJedburgh, Roxburghshire, SCT
Reside Date1841
Reside PlaceRoxburghshire, Scotland
Reside Date1846
Reside PlaceAyr, ON
Census Date1851 OK
Census PlaceDumfries, Brant, ON
Memoage 29
Census Date1861
Census PlaceDistrict 4, Walpole, Haldimand, ON
Memoage 33 Sister Margaret age 31 is living with him. Both ages are wrong.
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, Canada West, Canada
MemoAge: 33; Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
Reside Date1871
Reside PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
MemoMarital Status: Widowed
Census Date1881
Census PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, On
Reside Date1881
Reside PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
MemoAge: 56; Marital Status: Widowed
Death Date1 Mar 1888
Death PlaceHaldimand, Ontario, Canada
Burial PlaceHaldimand County, Ontario, Canada
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, Canada West, Canada
MemoAge: 33Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
Reside Date1881
Reside PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
MemoAge: 56Marital Status: Widowed
Census Date1841
Census PlaceJedburgh County: Roxburghshire Address: Hundaler Braehead
Memo Civil parish:
Emig Date1841
Census Date1851 OK
Census PlaceOneida, Haldimand, ON
MemoHe is shown as out of district on the night of the census visiting his brother Adam and sister margaret and George McKay. Neighbors are Rutherford
Reside Date1852
Reside PlaceOneida, Haldimand County, Canada West (Ontario), Canada
MemoAge: 26
Reside Date1861
Reside PlaceOneida, Haldimand, Canada West, Canada
MemoAge: 35Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
Census Date1871
Census PlaceWalpole, Haldimand, ON
Reside Date1871
Reside PlaceOntario, Canada
MemoAge: 44Marital Status: Married
Death Date14 May 1889
Death PlaceOnedia, Haldimand, Ontario
MemoGore Cemetery
Burial Date14 May 1889
Burial PlaceOneida, Haldimand, Ontario, Canada
MemoGore Cemetery / Clanbrassil / Dufferin Cemetery
ReligionReligion=None In 1851 Dumfries But Presbeterian In 1851 Oneida
FatherRobert K. Smith (1786-1857)
MotherMary Buchan Wood (1791-1841)
Marr Date8 Mar 1871
Notes for Adam (Twin of Andrew) (Spouse 1)
The 1861 census had the following all on the same page:

Adam Smith and Carharine Allen family

George McKay 28 SCT single,

Robet Walker age 40 single with Mary Eglen 17 single, Elizabeth Walker 10, Christopher Walker 7

John Anderson 31, Elizabeth (USA) 24, John 3, Margaret 4
Notes for Andrew (twin of Adam) (Spouse 2)
Land Ownership 1861 for United Twps. of Moulton-Sherbrooke Enumeration Districts Three
* NFR stands for North Fork Road.
Bradt, John NFR 2
Strachan, Courtland NFR 3
Osterout, George NFR 4
Snyder, John H. NFR 6
Smith, Andrew NFR 7 (1861 census shows 100 acres 60,40,20)
Whyler, Sydney NFR 8
King, Richard NFR 10
Ferguson, James NFR 11
Rodgers, Abel NFR 12
Southward, Lyman NFR 13
Clark, John NFR 14
Lee, James NFR 14
Patterson, George NFR 15
Find a Grave at
Photo courtesy of Charyn Stewart [2013]
Father: Robert Smith 1786-1857 Jedburgh Parish, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Mother: Mary Buckham 1792-1841 Jedburgh Roxburghshire Scotland

His brother Adam Smith is also buried in this cemetery - # 193726218

Many of Andrew's ancestors can be found in the following cemetery:
Last Modified 15 Dec 2024Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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