Birth Dateabt 1680
Death Date24 Aug 1700
Birth Date18 Jan 1675/1676
Birth PlaceHampton Twp, Rockingham, New Hampshire
Death Date1733
Death PlaceChristina Hundrd, Newcastle, Delaware
Residences14 OCT 1933
Religion14 DEC 1933/AZ
ChildrenRebecca (Died as Child) (1697-1700)
Stephen (Died as Infant) (1699-1700)
Notes for Grace
Source of Graces's marriage and children: Marie Mimbs, 2219 SE 9 ST, Pompano Beach, FL 33062, 23 Sep 1991.
Notes for John Ii (Spouse 1)
According to Plumstead to Clear Creek, in 1684 John with John Richardson, Edward blake, and Benjamin Swett and other Friends settled near New Castle, Delaware. In 1705 he purchased a lot of land for the meeting house.
Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania
page 121
In 1684, “John Hussey, John Richardson, Edward Blake, Benjamin Swett and other Friends, being settled in and near New Castle, held meetings at each other's houses.... In 1705 a lot of ground was purchased, and a meeting-house built.”6 Very few Irish Friends settled here. [p.121] The meeting was discontinued in 1758, its members attending Wilmington Meeting.
Kennett (PA) Monthly Meeting: 2- 3-1703 John Hussey and Ann Inskeep announce marriage intentions 2nd time.
Here is a message I copied from Linda Koehler on Prodigy on 9/27/94: Suzanne, This won't help you with Betty, but I do have an extract of the deed in which your John Hussey (son of John & Ann (Inskeep) Hussey) sold the land he had inherited from his father in 1733. I don't know if you have this already, but I will give the details in case you don't: New Castle County, Del. Deed Book K:353-354, dated 8 May 1735. John Hussey, yeoman of New Castle County and Margaret his wife sell to Stephen Lewis, tanner of the town of New Castle 110 acres of land and marsh, part of a larger tract commonly called John Hussey's Plantation in New Castle Hundred for 80 pounds. The deed gives the bounds which include the line of neighbor John Morton, John McComb, an old Dyke, along Nonesuch Creek, "Miln" Island in a marsh, and along Christiana Creek. John and Margaret Hussey appoint Benjamin Swett, tanner of the town of New Castle to acknowledge the deed in open court, which was done in the May term 1735. Witnesses were Sylvanus Hussey and Hannah Cox, John and Margaret both signed the deed with signatures. I believe that the Stephen Lewis who is buying the land is married to Rebeccah Hussey, daughter of Jedediah & Esther (Cooper) Hussey, and thus a cousin to John Hussey. Stephen Lewis had already acquired, 6 months earlier, the estate of his deceased father-in-law Jedediah Hussey [his brother-in-law Sylvanus Hussey who had inherited the land sold it to Stephen Lewis, and that deed gives a glimpse of another interesting story]. So by 1735, Stephen Lewis owns about 300 acres of the original 640 acre plantation that John & Rebecca (Perkins) Hussey had bought when they came to New Castle County in 1695. I don't know what or where John & Margaret Hussey went after 1735, do you? I had heard that they lived in Chester County for a time before they moved out to York County where most of John's brothers and sisters had gone. But I find it suggestive that John & Margeret are selling their land in New Castle County in 1735, when John's brother Nathan Hussey was also selling off many of his land holdings to move out beyond the Susquehanna River to what became York county. Just to follow that 110 acre tract of land that John & Margaret Hussey sold to Stephen Lewis, it was sold in 1748 by the administrators of Stephen Lewis's estate. Now, the administrators were Josiah Lewis and Rebecca, widow of Stephen Lewis who had by now remarried - to Benjamin Swett. I find this intriguing - this Benjamin Swett could be a grandson of the Benjamin Swett who married Theodate Hussey; in which case, it looks like Rebecca has married a first cousin once removed - although the ages probably work since Theodate Hussey was 18 years older than her brother Jedediah Hussey.
This family likes to keep things complicated, don't they. Linda in NY
Source: PA IGI and The Epistle, Vol I No 8, Feb 1975.
According to The Epistle, the 1729 will (probated in 1733) of John Hussey of Christian's Creek, New Castle, Delaware naming his wife, Ann (Inskeep) Hussey; sons John, Stephen, Nathan, and Christopher; and daughters Mary Houstown, Anna Hussey, Theodate Hussey, and Content Hussey. Will mentions land adjoining that of Christopher Hussey, deceased.
Wife Ann & son John executrix & executor of will; witnesses were Eliakim Garretson, Margaret Willey & Benj. Swett.
The source of much of the specific birth dates and marriage information of John II's children is Marie Mimbs, 2219 SE 9 St, Pompano Beach, FL 33062, 23 September 1991.
According to Marie Mimbs, the will of John Hussey is as follows:
... a crop my woodland and clear fields from Christopher Hussey dec'd land or line to Sam Silvers land containing within those bounds eighty acres as aforesaid and that my son Nathan nor his heirs shall not lay any claim to any part or parcel of my estate real or personal but what is here expressed. I do give and bequeath unto my son Nathan five shillings and do hereby exclude and debar him and his heirs from all and every or part of the residue of my estate forever, Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna Hussey the sume of two pounds like money above to be paid when she shall arrive at the age of twenty one years. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Content Hussey the sum of five pounds like money above to be paid when she arrives at the age of twenty one years. Item All the residue of my estate both real and personal of what kind quantity or quality whatsoever after paying my debts, legacies and funeral charges I give and bequeath unto my son John Hussey and to his heirs forever. Item I confirm and appoint and make and ordain my beloved wife Anne Hussey and my son John Hussey Executrix and Executor of this my last Will and Testament, to defray my funeral charges and just debts and dispose of the rest of my worldly estate as is herein decreed and I make and appoint my beloved Friend John Richardson of Christiana in the County of New Castle aforesaid merchant and my beloved brother Garret Garretson my trustees to see this my last Will and Testament performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof and I do hereby utterly annul revoke and make void all and every other former Will and Testament, Legacies and Bequeaths and Executes by me made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness thereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of the sixth month called August in the year of our Lord Anno Domini 1729. JOHN HUSSEY Signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of Eliakim Garretson, Margaret Wiley, Benjamin Swett
New Castle April 12, 1733, attested Eliakim Garretson Margaret Wiley Benjamin Swett