Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth Berkeley
Birth Dateabt 1445
Death Datebef 21 Dec 1504
Burial PlaceSempringham
Residences25 JAN 1968
Birth Dateabt 1436
Death Date8 Sep 1496
Burial PlaceSempringham
FatherJohn Hussey (~1417-~1440)
MotherElizabeth Sheffield (~1419-)
Marr Dateabt 1464
ChildrenJohn Baron (1466-1537)
 Robert (~1467-1546)
 William (<1503-1531)
 Elizabeth (~1500-)
 Mary (~1470-)
Notes for Elizabeth Berkeley
A majority of the ancestors of Elizabeth BERKELEY are contained in the LDS Ancestral File. Les Sutton, Houston, TX (1995) provided the notes that accompany the records extracted from the LDS Ancestral Files.
Les Sutton's notes:
According to the Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Berkeley of Wymondham, county Leicester. Her will is dated Aug 1503; proved (C.P.C.) 21 Dec. 1504; (to be) burried at Sempringham.
Burke, "Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyany, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire" (1866).
Lygon, "The Ligon Family and Connections" (1947).
Remarks notes for Elizabeth Berkeley
Notes for William (Spouse 1)
Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench (1481-1495).
According to Burke, Sir William Hussey, knight, an eminent lawyer in the time of Edward IV., after filling the office of attorney-general, and having been called by writ to the degree of serjeant at law, was constituted lord chief justice of the court of the King's Bench, in the 17th year of that monarch's reign, when he received an allowance of 140 marks, for greater state. He was living temp. Henry VII., as is evident by this inscription over his arms, in the semicircular or bow window, of Grey's Inn Hall, viz., "W. House miles capitalls justiclarius de banco regis, temp. R. Henry VII."
In one of the windows of the chapel, belonging to the same inn, are his arms impalling those of his wife, with the following inscription. "Will. Hussee miles capitalis justic. ad placita coram rege, et Elizabeth a uxor ejur filia Thomae Berkeley arm."
According to the Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Sir William Hussey, Knight of Gray's Inn; Commissioner of Sewers for Kesteven 7 Edward 4; M. P. for Grantham 1467; Attorney-General 16 June 11 Edward 4. 1471; Serjeant-at- Law 14 Oct 17 Edward 4, 1477; Chief Justice of King's Bench 7 May 21 Edward 4, 1481; Commissioner of Array in county of Lincoln 23 Dec 4 Henry 7, 1489; died 8 Sept 11 Henry 7, 1495; burried at Sempringham. Will dated 15 Dec 10 Henry 7; proved (C.P.C.) 4 July 1496.
Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench (1481-1495).
According to Burke, Sir William Hussey, knight, an eminent lawyer in the time of Edward IV., after filling the office of attorney-general, and having been called by writ to the degree of serjeant at law, was constituted lord chief justice of the court of the King's Bench, in the 17th year of that monarch's reign, when he received an allowance of 140 marks, for greater state. He was living temp. Henry VII., as is evident by this inscription over his arms, in the semicircular or bow window, of Grey's Inn Hall, viz., "W. House miles capitalls justiclarius de banco regis, temp. R. Henry VII."
In one of the windows of the chapel, belonging to the same inn, are his arms impalling those of his wife, with the following inscription. "Will. Hussee miles capitalis justic. ad placita coram rege, et Elizabetha uxor ejur filia Thomae Berkeley arm."
According to the Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Sir William Hussey, Knight of Gray's Inn; Commissioner of Sewers for Kesteven 7 Edward 4; M. P. for Grantham 1467; Attorney-General 16 June 11 Edward 4. 1471; Serjeant-at-Law 14 Oct 17 Edward 4, 1477; Chief Justice of King's Bench 7 May 21 Edward 4, 1481; Commissioner of Array in county of Lincoln 23 Dec 4 Henry 7, 1489; died 8 Sept 11 Henry 7, 1495; burried at Sempringham. Will dated 15 Dec 10 Henry 7; proved (C.P.C.) 4 July 1496.
Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench (1481-1495).
According to Burke, Sir William Hussey, knight, an eminent lawyer in the time of Edward IV., after filling the office of attorney-general, and having been called by writ to the degree of serjeant at law, was constituted lord chief justice of the court of the King's Bench, in the 17th year of that monarch's reign, when he received an allowance of 140 marks, for greater state. He was living temp. Henry VII., as is evident by this inscription over his arms, in the semicircular or bow window, of Grey's Inn Hall, viz., "W. House miles capitalls justiclarius de banco regis, temp. R. Henry VII."
In one of the windows of the chapel, belonging to the same inn, are his arms impalling those of his wife, with the following inscription. "Will. Hussee miles capitalis justic. ad placita coram rege, et Elizabeth a uxor ejur filia Thomae Berkeley arm."
According to the Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Sir William Hussey, Knight of Gray's Inn; Commissioner of Sewers for Kesteven 7 Edward 4; M. P. for Grantham 1467; Attorney-General 16 June 11 Edward 4. 1471; Serjeant-at- Law 14 Oct 17 Edward 4, 1477; Chief Justice of King's Bench 7 May 21 Edward 4, 1481; Commissioner of Array in county of Lincoln 23 Dec 4 Henry 7, 1489; died 8 Sept 11 Henry 7, 1495; burried at Sempringham. Will dated 15 Dec 10 Henry 7; proved (C.P.C.) 4 July 1496.
Remarks notes for William (Spouse 1)
Last Modified 17 May 2015Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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