NameMary Nickle
Birth Dateabt 1750
Birth Date2 Jul 1750
Birth PlaceMill Creek Hundr, Ncstl, Delaware
Death Date1812
Residences24 OCT 1895
Religion21 NOV 1900
Notes for Christopher (Spouse 1)
Birth: 100 Years at Warrington, inidcates birth date of 2-7-1765.
The Genealogical Journal of the Randolph County Historical Society, Vol I, 2, 1977 indicates the 1799 List of Taxables included:
Christopher Hussey, 115 acres.
Full Context of Immigration of Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania
Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania
page 164
3 Mo. 7, 1739.—“There being Divers families of friends of late Settled on the West Side of Susquohanno,
Some of them have produced Certificates to this Meeting from Kenet Meeting, where they formerly Dwelt,
their being four Mentioned In one Certificate bearing Date ye 10th of ye 2mo: 17381 Vizt Nathan Husy
[Hussey], Ann his wife, John Garrison [Garretson] & Content his wife, John Day and Ann his wife Christopher Husy [Hussey] & Ann his wife & another Certificate from the [p.164] same place bearing date ye 4th of ye 5mo: 1738,1 Recommends Joseph Benett & Rebecka his wife All wch. this Meeting receives in Membership with us.
Remarks notes for Christopher (Spouse 1)