Walkershire - Person Sheet
Walkershire - Person Sheet
NameJane Pigot
Birth Dateabt 1505
Birth PlaceClotheram, York, England
Death Date20 Oct 1597
Death PlaceLeeds, Yorkshire, England
Birth Dateabt 1505
Birth Placeof Caythorpe, Lincoln(Kent), England
Death Date1605
Memobeheaded by King Henry VIII
FatherJohn Baron Hussey Sir (1466-1537)
MotherAnn Grey (~1470->1537)
Marr Dateabt 1525
Marr PlaceClotherram, England
ChildrenFrancis (~1530-)
 Thomas (~1526-)
 Alice (~1530-)
 Elizabeth (~1530-)
Notes for Giles (Spouse 1)
"Knights of England", vol II, p 45 lists: Giles Hussey - 1523, July 1 Knights made by the Lord Admiral after taking of Morlaix "for their hardness and courage". He was probably about 18 at this time. Bravery, family, standing, etc. counted more than a mature age.
Over the years, many Husseys of England and Ireland were knighted. Half brother, William was knighted in 1513.
According to the Lincolnshire Pedigrees; Sir Giles Hussey of Caythorpe, Knight, knighted by the Earl of surrey at the Sacking of Morlaix in France 1522.

I have a copy of a manuscript that I found at the Nantucket Hist. Soc.
during a vacation last year. It is Stamped "New York Public Library,
524116, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, 1911". It was written by
Bessie Brooks (Prichett) Hanna and for the most part confirms Roy
Liggett's information. It also describes the family crest and has a
drawing of it, (motto: Cor Immobile). It also discusses the origin of
the English family and it ties to Normandy and William the Conquerer.
It reports that Sir Giles Hussey was beheaded by Henry VIII and lots of
other interesting tidbits. There is mention of the family connection to
John Greenleaf Whittier and Daniel Webster thru the Bachelder line.
Has anyone nailed these down? I have confirmed the connection to Chad
Brown of Providence, RI (founder of Brown University).
Thanks, Steve Irons, Dana Point, CA
Last Modified 17 May 2015Created 31 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
January 04, 2025
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